Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Introducing... The List!

When I decided to take on this challenge, I did what any self-respecting 21st citizen of the world would do.  I posed the question to my friends on social media.  The suggestions started rolling in.  I had to smile because my friends are my friends for a reason.  Many of the suggestions were things I had already jotted down.  Some of them were bizarre, daring, even dangerous.  They were all telling. Many of them appear on the list below.

Incidentally, when I mentioned this quest to The Boy and The Girl, we had to have a nice, detailed conversation on the difference between being courageous and downright foolhardy.  (Their suggestion?  Jump off the roof of the house. )

The list I originally generated had way more than 40 Acts on it, because who doesn't need more courageous acts in her life?  Many were combined or culled.  I went for a balance of short-term and long-term acts.  Pricey and inexpensive ones.  Big ones and little ones.  Internal shifts and external activities.  And ultimately I ended up with 40 things I'm going to do to challenge myself.

Here goes...

The List

  1. Publicly admit that I am turning 40.
  2. Publicly and openly blog about my experiences, challenges, triumphs and failures along the way. 
  3. Tackle an intimidating classic work of fiction.
  4. Get an astrological/psychic reading done.
  5. Learn a new language and then try it out.
  6. Expose the kids to some culture.
  7. Do a police ride along.
  8. Host a multi-course fancy dinner party.
  9. Make a lemon meringue pie from scratch, including the crust.
  10. Get a tattoo.
  11. For one week, track everything I eat, spend, consume.  
  12. Get a wax.
  13. Go camping.
  14. Go to a meetup where I know no one. 
  15. Go zip lining or indoor skydiving.
  16. Take a Segway tour.
  17. Attend a painting class.
  18. Try a martial arts class.  (Krav Maga, anyone?)
  19. Celebrate a holiday all by myself.
  20. Speak up for what I believe in.
  21. Watch a horror movie alone.
  22. Wear a bikini to the beach.
  23. Go salsa dancing.
  24. Perform a poem at a slam or tell a story at the Monti.
  25. Finish and publish a writing piece.
  26. Travel somewhere I have never been before.
  27. Take a ballroom dance lesson (or two) on my own.
  28. Try square dancing.
  29. Do a cleanse or a fast (or both!).
  30. Eat vegetarian (maybe vegan) for a week.
  31. Get a mammogram.
  32. Say no to someone powerful.
  33. Install a new toilet in my house.
  34. Turn off my iPhone.
  35. Cook dinner for families at Ronald McDonald house.
  36. Adopt a shelter animal.
  37. Become financially independent.
  38. For a week, live off the amount of money a family living at the poverty line has.
  39. Forgive and seek forgiveness.
  40. Stop living my life as if I'm auditioning for a better part.


  1. I LOVE this (especially the last one which could have a subset of 40 more all by itself...wink).

  2. I love it! Can't wait to read about your discoveries.
    Life is meant to be fully enjoyed (not endured or letting it pass us by) but first we need to figure out what brings us joy and pursue those things with passion!

  3. I'm empowered by reading your list and applaud the courage to complete some of these tasks! I am eager to hear more about them along the way!
