Friday, January 23, 2015

Act 17: Attend a Painting Class

Some of the acts on my list are going to require careful planning, and some... well, some of them you just have to jump on when the feelings strikes.  That was this act.  I was doing some research into some of the painting classes that are offered in the area when I saw a sign. 

A friendly little owl.  Being taught in a painting class.  That night.  

I immediately signed up for the class at Cheers N Paint in Cary's MacGregor Village.

As I made my way into the wilds of Cary, I got a message to call the teacher of the class.  Turns out, the other group who had signed up changed their reservation.  I was going to be the only person in the class.  Did I want to reschedule?

My feeling was No way!  But I hesitated.  Did I want to put someone out just for me?  Was I going to be causing trouble for the instructor?  Would it be inconvenient for someone?  Yes.  A little it was, but I had already paid for the class, and I was halfway there.  It had been a bit of a stressful day, and I was really looking forward to it.  Not to go would be a major disappointment.  So I checked my hesitation, and said "Yes.  I am perfectly happy to be the only person in the class.  I'm on my way, and I will see you in a bit."

And... amazingly... The world did not end!

When I arrived, I met Rima - the owner and artistic force behind the studio.  She was very welcoming and kind.  I was a little worried that she might be a bit huffy over my insistence to carry on, but it was quite the opposite.  She was delightful!

Since I was the only student, I got to choose the painting I wanted to tackle.  And while it was the owl who led me there, I found myself most drawn to a beautiful pool of water lilies.  

I've played with paint before, but never had any real instruction, so I was a little hesitant to try to paint something that looks like something.  Rima had sketched in the basic shapes in advance, so I picked my colors, picked up a brush and was on my way!

I have to say the two hours I spent there were just wonderful.  Rima and I chatted about this and that while we worked together.  Occasionally, she would come around and offer me some pointers on technique, and once or twice she very graciously helped me fine tune the shapes I was going for.  

Viola!  Art!

I got so absorbed in the act of making art that I forgot to worry about the issues that had been troubling my mind all week.  There was nothing but the brush, the paint, the canvas, and me.

I'm glad I didn't defer when the question of to go or not to go came up.  I ended up having a lovely experience with personal attention and have a piece of art to show for it.

It's crazy.  Every time I stand up for myself, it gets a little bit easier.  And so far, each time has led me to an experience even better that what I was aiming for.  Watch out, World!  A more spontaneous and impulsive Rhonda is on the way - right after I block out the time on my calendar.

Rima and her creation


MacGregor Village, 107 Edinburgh S. Dr., Suite 115, Cary, NC 27511919-903-5223

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