The List: My 40 Acts of Courage

The List

  1. Publicly admit that I am turning 40. - DONE
  2. Publicly and openly blog about my experiences, challenges, triumphs and failures along the way. DONE
  3. Tackle an intimidating classic work of fiction.
  4. Get an astrological/psychic reading done. - DONE
  5. Learn a new language and then try it out.
  6. Expose the kids to some culture. - DONE
  7. Do a police ride along. - DONE
  8. Host a multi-course fancy dinner party.
  9. Make pie from scratch, including the crust. - DONE
  10. Get a tattoo. - DONE
  11. For one week, track everything I eat, spend, consume.  - DONE
  12. Get a Brazilian wax. - DONE
  13. Go camping.
  14. Go to a meetup where I know no one. First Attempt: FAILSecond Attempt: DONE
  15. Go zip lining or indoor skydiving. - DONE
  16. Take a Segway tour. - DONE (more or less)
  17. Attend a painting class. - DONE
  18. Try a martial arts class.  (Krav Maga, anyone?) - DONE
  19. Celebrate a holiday all by myself. - DONE
  20. Speak up for what I believe in. - DONE
  21. Watch a horror movie alone. - DONE
  22. Wear a bikini to the beach. - DONE
  23. Go salsa dancing. - DONE
  24. Perform a poem or tell a story at an open mic night. - DONE
  25. Finish and publish a writing piece. - DONE
  26. Travel somewhere I have never been before. - DONE
  27. Take a ballroom dance lesson (or two) on my own. - DONE
  28. Try square dancing. - DONE
  29. Try Speed Dating. - DONE
  30. Eat Clean for 30 days, two weeks, one week, two days. - DONE
  31. Get a mammogram. - DONE
  32. Say no to someone powerful. - ONGOING
  33. Install a new toilet in my house.
  34. Turn off my iPhone. - DONE
  35. Cook dinner for families at Ronald McDonald house. - DONE
  36. Adopt a shelter animal. - DONE
  37. Become financially independent. - DONE
  38. For a week, live off the amount of money a family living at the poverty line has. - DONE
  39. Forgive and seek forgiveness. - DONE
  40. Stop living my life as if I'm auditioning for a better part.


  1. 24 is done!!! Congrats! So happy we could be a part of it. I do hope you return next month. You did such a great job!
