Wednesday, February 4, 2015

For When I Get it Completely Wrong

Being a perfectionist, looking back on my mistakes can be painful.  Even more painful is looking back on mistakes in judgement - especially when it feels like the events around those mistakes make me look or feel foolish.  So while my instinct is to own up to mistakes that I make against other people:
Sorry friend, I misjudged that; I see it differently now.
Whoops.  I missed that deadline;  This is how I will make it right.

I have a really difficult time admitting to myself when I was completely wrong about things.

 Actually, no.  I can admit that I was completely wrong, but then I feel the need to thoroughly flagellate myself for having been wrong.  Never mind that I was operating under the information that I had at the time.  Never mind that there really was no way I could have known how things would turn out.  I say to myself: I should have seen.  I should have guessed.  I should have known.

Well, not today.  Today, I am going to forgive myself for the times when I got it wrong.  I'm going to be kind to myself, because those mistakes and their fallout hurt my heart.  I'm not going to pile on top of the hurt with guilt too.

Most importantly, I'm going to learn from those mistakes, but not so much that I expect to make them.  Today I choose to continue to err on the side of trusting, opening my heart, and believing the best of people.  Not to do so would be the greatest mistake.

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