Friday, February 6, 2015

Act 4: Get an Astrological Reading Done

My girlfriend asked me why this was one of my acts.  What's particularly courageous about getting your chart read?  I had to think on that.  Honestly, I put it on the list because it was something I'd always kind of wanted to do.  I think most human beings are curious to know all they can about themselves, and this was an avenue I had not explored.  But what made it an act of courage?

I was thinking about that as I drove over to my appointment.  I had made plans to meet with George Ward, Astrologer Extraordinaire at Dancing Moon Bookstore in Raleigh, NC.   Driving out to downtown Raleigh during rush hour took courage, I thought to myself.  George had been recommended to me years before by a friend, and I had held on to his information, waiting until I was ready.  And now, I was ready!

I arrived a little early to browse the bookstore.  There were all kinds of interesting things to take in - incense, crystals, and tons and tons of books.  I admit, I felt a little out of my element, but curious.  I like the idea that there are forces beyond our understanding at work in the the world, and I like that these are practices that have been around for a very long time.  Things don't tend to stick if there isn't something to them.

It was with an open and curious mind that I met George.  He seemed accessible and kind, and I liked him immediately.  He gave me a little lesson on the methodology behind charting and interpreting the charts, as well as a little history on the practice of astrology.  It seems that since ancient times, all the major cultures of the world have looked to the stars to find meaning in human life.  The study was linked to early medicine, alchemy and meteorology and the practice evolved as scientific learning grew.  Being the big nerd that I am, I was very interested in this.  But I was more interested in what George had to say about me!

First, he showed me my Natal chart - that is, the position of the stars in the sky at the precise moment and location of my birth.  The influences that govern the chart are the sun sign, the ascendant sign, and the moon sign. I'm not going to go into the specifics, because I think I would not do George's work justice, but I will say that it was fascinating!  My sun sign is Cancer - which is all about home, family, security, emotion.  That's about right, but I always discounted it a bit because I'm no shrinking violet - and Cancers have the reputation of - if not cowering - then retreating into themselves.  Turns out, my rising sign, Aquarius, is the reason for that
discrepancy.  This feature tends to result in people with a thirst for knowledge and the desire to understand, but who tend to be a bit quirky.  I also have the strong influence of Saturn - which brings a sense of responsibility, boundaries, and caution.  This can often indicate a master teacher.  Finally, on my natal chart the moon was in Leo.  This typically indicates a strong sense of empathy as well as a high need for affection and appreciation.   I found myself nodding and smiling in recognition - and more than once, sharing with George things I often say about myself.  The kicker was when he was talking about Neptune being in the 10th (Career) House.  "This is usually indicative of someone not knowing what they want to be when they grow up."  Hello, Rhonda!

The second part of the reading looked at the Transits and Progressions that would be coming up in the next 12-18 months.  This is where the fun came.  George observed that, judging from my chart, the last 2-3 years were ones of transition.  (Hah!  Understatement of the year!)  But now, my moon had just moved into the first house, marking the beginning of a new 28-year cycle.  Now is the time to set intentions and to figure stuff out.  Over and over again, he highlighted features of the chart that indicated the need to focus on myself.  Figure out what is important to me.  Keep myself front and center.  He indicated that I seem to be preparing myself for something big.  He also recommended that now is the time to get out into the world, try new things, and see what fits best.

The reading ended with a look at the United States map, and where the lines of my chart show influence.  It looks like my ideas are meant to impact beyond my immediate sphere of influence.  And for some reason, he saw big things for me in Australia.  We wrapped up with him giving me a few auspicious recommendations for Act #26 (Travel Somewhere I've Never Been Before) destinations.

On the whole, this was a very positive experience.  It confirmed some things I have have felt about myself and my inclinations, and offered an interesting perspective on where I fit in the cosmos.  I suppose at the end of it all, the courageous part of the act is in opening my mind and considering that there are forces at work beyond my immediate understanding.  I think the information George shared with me gave me permission and validation that the path I'm embarking on is the right one for me.  I guess as the stars move and opportunities arise, that the courageous part of this act will come to seize those opportunities without fear.

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