Friday, January 1, 2016

On Resolutions

Today is the first day of the new year, and as the relentlessly self improving woman I am, prior to today I gave some thought to my New Year's Resolutions.  It's kind of a compulsion, really.  I love to have a plan or a project.  I like something to focus my attention and effort on - because my brain needs the distraction.  And honestly, I think that the planning and action and reflection is good for me.  This time last year, I embarked on this project, and it led me to have one of the BEST years of my life so far.  What's not to like?

As I sat down to think about what I wanted to change, something strange started to happen.  I looked at the areas of my life and realized that I am pretty darned happy with the way things are.  My relationship with my children has never been better. They are healthy and happy, and we have a ton of fun together.  I have a job that I love and am challenged by.  I have a rich and varied group of wonderful people who I can call my friends.  I love and am loved.  I've become more honest and up front about my feelings and as a result, feel much more balanced and authentic.  I have a beautiful home with everything I need - including two furry beasties who love a good cuddle.  My financial house is (mostly) in order.  Life is... good.  Really good.

So this year, instead of picking something to overhaul and change about my life, I resolve to appreciate what I have.  I resolve to enjoy the unfolding of events and to savor the sweetness of my days.  I resolve to accept (and maybe even celebrate) my imperfections and to learn from my mistakes.  I resolve to cut myself some slack when I don't get it just right and to give myself some credit when I do.  I resolve to love myself as openly and deeply as I love my friends and family.  And I resolve to be here now.

So the projects and the goals will have to wait a little while, because this year, I'm going to be too busy being grateful.  Oh, and eating more vegetables.

May your New Year be filled with love, joy, peace, and all the things that make you happy.

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