Friday, December 18, 2015

Act 16: Take a Segway Tour

This act was originally intended to get me out of my comfort zone on onto a dorky motorized vehicle to live out my Gob Bluth wanna-be fantasies.  However, as my 40 Acts fund balance dwindled, so did my grand ideas of tooling around on the human transport of the future.  I think it's all for the best.  I'm notoriously clumsy on two feet, so I think me on a Segway was a recipe for disaster.  Still, the Act had to be done, so I decided it was time to be resourceful.  I turned to the place all budget-minded adventurers go:  Groupon!

There weren't any exciting options in the Raleigh-Durham area at the moment, but I did find something called a Crazy Dash tour.  And there just so happened to be one available in Memphis!  Since I was headed there to see my best good friend, Sarah, I immediately purchased a voucher.  

We headed to downtown Memphis to set off on our tour.  This was not an easy feat because this just so happened to be the same day as the St. Jude's Children's Hospital Marathon.  Downtown was hopping!

Our Crazy Dash was basically a virtual scavenger hunt through downtown Memphis.  Along the way, we learned about the city while doing some pretty silly things.  Among them, counting (and posing) with the balls in front of FedEx Forum, performing an impromptu musical number for the (HUGE) crowd in from of Autozone Park, pretending to be escaped zoo animals, and showing affection to strangers and inanimate objects.  So, basically - Sarah and I doing what we usually do when we get together.  

Piggly Wiggly is very special to both of us.
We're big on the pig!

We started our dash on Beale St.

The task was to hug or kiss a random person or object.  It was
either this guy or the bouncer.  Fireball wins every time!

Fun fact: There are 11 basketballs in front of FedEx Forum

We chose "Sweet Caroline" in honor of Miss CallieRu.
We were disappointed that no one joined in!
Bottoms up from Court Square!

I wish the photo better captured how beautiful the light was right then.
Just lovely!

Escaped zoo animals were on the loose.  Here's Sarah Wolf being a wolf.

And me doing my best tiger impression

We are all looking good here!

Success!  We scored a 106/100 - because that's how we roll.

In all, it was a great experience.  We learned a thing or two, had a blast acting silly, and best of all - I didn't crash into anything.  One of these days, I will find a way to get on a Segway, but until then, this Act is going in the books!

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