Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Noticing Grace: Work That Gives Me Purpose

T.S. Eliot said "April is the cruellest month," but I think that October this year gave it a run for its money.  Last month kicked my butt.  But, as I said in a Facebook post today... The joke is on October, because it's gone, and I am still here.  It's November!  Hallelujah!!

I've noticed the past few years that friends have used the month of November to go all sorts of neat things: grow mustaches, write novels. and most importantly, give thanks.  When I saw my dear friend SarahWolf post this, I knew I had to jump on board.

I was reading an article recently that suggests that talking about your problems can actually exacerbate them.  Instead, it suggested focusing on the good things in your life as an alternative.  I happen to think that balance is key, but I've been doing a lot of dwelling lately, so I say: BRING ON THE GRATITUDE!!

Today's prompt is work that gives me purpose.

I've been a teacher for 18 years.  There have been many ups and downs in that time.  There were days where I felt like the queen of the world, and days when I could barely drag myself home after the last bell.  I've seen students accomplishing amazing feats - get scholarships, speak out to change the world, become teachers themselves.  I've seen students who left this world far too soon.  There were kids who made me smile every single day.  There were kids who I still actively avoid if I see them at the mall.  I've worked with some of the most unbelievably inspiring professionals.  Many of them have become life-long friends.  We've labored side by side doing some ridiculous things because we all believe in the importance of the work we do.

Being a teacher - first of students, and now of adults - has given me a very strong sense of purpose.  My efforts change lives.  And even when the pay is bad, the work load is unbearable, and the level of respect I get from my political leaders is pretty low, I can't imagine doing anything else.  I am a teacher - down to my bones.  And that gives me purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post, lovely Rhonda. You are teacher, through and through. I enjoy learning from you on a regular basis. Much love.
